What are ESCOs

Energy service companies (ESCOs) are companies with expertise in energy issues with appropriate know-how and experience. Their role is based on securing a specific amount of energy savings and their fee is linked to the success rate of guaranteed energy savings.

Greek Institutional Framework

Law 3855/2010 “Measures for the improvement of energy efficiency during the final crisis, energy services and other provisions” established the basic policies, regulations and measures for the development of the energy services market in Greece and laid the foundations for the significant development of Energy Service Companies.

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Goal of the ESCO model

The goal of the ESCO MODEL is energy upgrade and equipment renovation through

technical actions,



No Loan

No Leasing

Off Balance

and with Guaranteed savings

ESCO services

Our services include:

  • Develop, design and arrange for the “FUNDING” of energy efficiency projects
  • Installation and maintenance of the needed equipment for energy efficiency projects
  • Measurement, monitoring and verification of energy savings
  • Commitment for improvements effectiveness

These services are included in the cost of the project and are paid through the achieved energy savings. 

Why Save Energy?

Energy saving is Institutional obligation

According to Law 4342/2015, large companies are required to carry out energy audits covering at least 90% of total energy consumption

The investment in energy saving is self-financed.

Energy efficiency is strategic option for:

  • Reduction of gaseous pollutant emissions
  • Europe ‘s energy security
  • Strong European will for energy saving investments

Energy savings is a continuous process

Project Approach Stages

Models of Contracts

Energy Performarmance Contract

Goal of the ESCO model

The goal of the ESCO MODEL is energy upgrade and equipment renovation through

technical actions,



No Loan

No Leasing

Off Balance

and with Guaranteed savings

ESCO services

Our services include:

  • Develop, design and arrange for the “FUNDING” of energy efficiency projects
  • Installation and maintenance of the needed equipment for energy efficiency projects
  • Measurement, monitoring and verification of energy savings
  • Commitment for improvements effectiveness

These services are included in the cost of the project and are paid through the achieved energy savings. 

Project approach methodology

Why Save Energy?

Energy saving is Institutional obligation

According to Law 4342/2015, large companies are required to carry out energy audits covering at least 90% of total energy consumption

The investment in energy saving is self-financed.

Energy efficiency is strategic option for:

  • Reduction of gaseous pollutant emissions
  • Europe ‘s energy security
  • Strong European will for energy saving investments

Energy savings is a continuous process

Project Approach Stages

Models of Contracts

Our experience with large portfolios
To contact us via email, please fill in the contact form below.