The aim of the energy audit is to create a performance evaluation list of energy saving actions (based on the actual operation and energy consumption of the company’s facilities) as a tool for the managers to make relevant investment decisions.

The main objective of the energy audit process is to record the energy flows of a company in a transparent and operational manner to clearly identify the potential for energy savings in the most cost-effective way

ZEB, is able to fully provide all the services required to comply with the provisions of Law 4342/2015, as amended by Law 4843/2021, but also has the necessary expertise, organization and experience for this institutional obligation to become an energy saving driver for the company itself.

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In the context of the implementation of Law 4342/2015, as amended by Law 4843/2021, which harmonizes Greek legislation with Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament on energy efficiency, as amended by Directive 2018/2002/EU, rules and procedures are introduced so that our country contributes to the achievement of the energy targets of the European Union.

The energy audit shall be based on updated operational data on energy consumption and load characteristics. This data should cover at least a full year period of the last two years, be quantitative in nature with tolerable levels of measurement error, be derived from continuous measurements (rather than indicative calculations) with easy searchability and reflect the change in consumption and load over time.

The energy audit should also include a detailed overview of the energy consumption characteristics of a building, industrial activity or installation with a detailed description of the equipment, the mode of operation and the individual uses.

The energy audit should result in a list of proposed savings measures which should be evaluated based on a life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) rather than a simple payback period.

In the case of companies with a portfolio of buildings, energy audits should be proportionate and representative to give a reliable picture of the whole building portfolio

The scope of the energy audit shall cover at least 90 % of the total energy consumption of all facilities used by the obligated undertaking (owned or rented) as well as facilities leased to the public and wider public sector and to nonobligated undertakings, provided that the responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the building remains with the obligated undertaking.

In the case of a portfolio of buildings which can be grouped into one or more groups of similar installations with respect to size, type of processes, geographical location and general elements affecting energy consumption, the energy audit shall be carried out on a representative sample for each group equal to the square root of the installations in the group rounded up to the highest integer.

Undertakings which are not SMEs and which have an energy management system certified by an independent body in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001 shall be exempted from the requirements of paragraph 1. 10 of Law 4843/2021, provided that this management system includes an energy audit based on the minimum criteria set out in Annex VI of Law 4342/2015.

Companies which are legally required to be audited are non-small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Title I of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC. They include Companies which

(a) employ more than 250 employees: or
(b) employing fewer than 250 employees, but with an annual turnover exceeding EUR 50 million and an annual balance sheet total exceeding EUR 43 million

The undertakings to be audited are divided into three categories as follows

Category Α :

  • Residential buildings
  • Offices & commercial buildings up to 2000m²
  • Commercial workshops

Category B : 

  • Offices & Commercial buildings over  2000m²
  • Other third sector buildings (such as school buildings, hotels, hospitals)
  • Industrial and craft installations with a total installed capacity not exceeding 1.000kW
  • Means of transport

Category C :

  • Industrial and craft installations with a total installed capacity exceeding 1.000kW

(Annex VI of Law 4342/2015)

Phase 1: Analysis of preliminary data

In the first phase, basic data on the facilities and the delivery of which is an obligation of the Obligated Party will be collected.

The data will be preliminarily analyzed to identify critical points, and to plan the audits.

Phase 2: Energy autopsy

In this phase, audits will be carried out in accordance with the energy audit guide of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, but also based on the general positioning for future implementation of an energy management system.

During this audit, the points of the installation where metering devices or additional operational data recordings are required will also be identified in order to more fully capture energy flows.

Phase 3: Data analysis

The preliminary data and the data from the audits and any indicative measurements will be analyzed to breakdown the energy consumption to the main uses and to establish the baseline consumption curve.

At the same time, the proposed savings measures will be defined and the expected savings to be achieved will be estimated.

Phase 4: Preparation of an energy audit report

The energy audit report will include:

  • General data of the installation and equipment
  • A mapping of the energy flows of the installation and a breakdown of consumption by use
  • Establishment of energy monitoring indicators and analysis of the energy status of the installations
  • Calculation of baseline consumption curve using IPMVP & ASHRAE Guideline 14.
  • Record the proposed actions and the expected savings from their implementation
  • Economic evaluation of the proposed measures

This report will be the deliverable for submission to the energy audit database of the Ministry of Environment and Energy and will also assist the management of the company in making decisions regarding the implementation of the proposed measures.

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